Disney Princess Hairplay Cinderella's Horse

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  • With shimmer-shine locks and charming hair accessories, these royal horses are sure to be the mane attraction in their kingdoms!
  • Horse has fabulous streaks of brilliant colors in their magnificent manes and tails
  • Hair is long enough for creative styles like braids, knots and twists
  • Each comes with five styling accessories, including a brush!
  • Use the accessories on the horse as well as small-doll long-haired princess dolls (sold separately) - and even on the girl herself!

  • With shimmer-shine locks and charming hair accessories, these royal horses are sure to be the mane attraction in their kingdoms! Included in the assortment are Cinderella's royal horse; Merida's trusty companion, Angus; and Rapunzel's beloved equine friend, Maximus. Each looks royally fabulous with streaks of brilliant colors in their magnificent manes and tails. The beautiful hair is long enough for creative styles like braids, knots and twists. The beloved companions each come with five styling accessories (including a brush) that can be used for the horse as well as small-doll long-haired princess dolls (sold separately) - and even by the girl herself! Choose from barrettes and clips with iconic shapes. With story and style, girls' imaginations can run wild these magnificent horses! Dolls sold separately. Each horse is sold separately.
    Brand: Mattel, Model: BDJ54

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