Disney Frozen Musical Magic Anna Doll

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  • Inspired by the hit new Disney animated film, Frozen
  • Girls will love reenacting their favorite scenes from the movie
  • Anna is featured in a glittery, glamorous fashion iconic to the film
  • Hold her hand and Anna will magically light up and play enchanting music
  • Award winner of The 2014 TimetoPlayMag.com Most Wanted Toy List

  • Disney Frozen Musical Magic Doll Collection: In the Disney film Frozen, two beautiful sisters, Anna and Elsa, live in the enchanted Kingdom of Arendelle. Their story includes music, magic and non-stop adventure! These dolls, in 10-inch fashion-doll size, allow girls to re-create favorite scenes from the film as well as create new stories and adventures for the beloved characters. Choose from an adorable Anna and a striking Elsa. Each doll looks gorgeous wearing a glittery, glamorous fashion iconic to the film. Girls will recognize their signature styles and colors and hear them play music from the film! Simply hold Anna's or Elsa's hands to see the doll “magically” light up and play enchanting music. But the magic doesn't stop there! When girls hold hands with both the dolls, the two sisters will light up and play a harmonious melody together. It's musical, magical and magnificent! Each sold separately, collect all your favorite Frozen characters.
    Brand: Mattel, Model: Y9966

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