Disney Frozen Elsa's Ice Skating Rink Playset

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  • Elsa delights with this Disney Frozen-inspired Ice Skating Rink!
  • Clip in the doll and use the lever to see Elsa skate around the heart-shaped rink!
  • Girls can imagine that the whole town is ice-skating - just like in the movie!
  • Warm up with a chocolatey drink at the hot chocolate station
  • Includes 1 Elsa doll, Ice Skating Rink, hot chocolate station with pot and two mugs and stickers
  • Includes 1 Elsa doll
  • Ice skating rink
  • Hot chocolate station with pot and 2 mugs
  • Stickers

  • Recreate the magic of Disney's Frozen with Elsa and her Ice Skating Rink! Dressed in her winter ready ensemble, a blue gown with snowflake detailing, Elsa can actually ice skate! Let the heart-shaped path guide Elsa around and around the rink. As she twirls, look beyond the rink for scenes of the Kingdom of Arendale. This backdrop will remind fans of the memorable moment in the film when the wintry curse is lifted and Elsa creates a rink out of ice and snow, leading the entire town into an ice-skating frenzy! Use the pot and two mugs to make a warm, chocolatey drink. Includes 1 Elsa doll, Ice Skating Rink, hot chocolate station with pot and 2 mugs and stickers.
    Brand: Mattel, Model: DFR88, Color: Blue

    Custom Tab 01

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