Disney Exclusive 11.5 Inch Fairytale Designer Collection Doll Set Snow White & The Prince

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  • Global Limited Editon of 6000 - Includes Certificate of Authenticity - Part of the Disney Fairytale Designer Collection
  • Snow White Features: 11 1/2'' H - Romantic side-swept hair - Dramatic lace collar - Elaborately embroidered velvet bodice with puff sleeves with red satin detailing - Layered gown ornately decorated with golden gemstones, taffeta, lace, and embroidered foliage - Dramatic make-up and rooted eyelashes - Red bow headband
  • Prince Features: 12'' H - Velvet cape - Satin shirt with faux leather waistcoat and belt - Boots and sword
  • Dolls sold in a special keepsake display case with intricate details on the base, including a golden plate with the name of Snow White and the Prince
  • Intended for adult collectors -- Not a child's toy

  • Fairest two of all...With lips red as the rose and skin as white as snow, the Princess has never looked fairer. Paired with her handsome Prince, this stunning set of Disney Fairytale Designer Collection dolls will be cherished happily ever after.As part of the Disney Fairytale Designer Collection this pair of Snow White and Prince dolls were carefully crafted by artists inspired by Walt Disney's 1937 classic, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The original Disney Princess and her Prince have been reimagined in exquisite detail with these limited edition dolls. Brought to life with thoughtful attention, they uniquely capture the essence of the fairytale couple, creating a one of a kind set that will be a treasured keepsake of collectors, Disney fans and every princess at heart.
    Brand: Disney

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