Helps make your pet's coat resistant to attack by microbes
With lavender, peppermint, tea tree oil, and other soothing ingredients
Not recommended for cats
This all-natural conditioner will make your pet's coat tangle-free and soft, and resistant to attack by microbes. Combining lavender, peppermint and melaleuca (tea tree oil) with the conditioning properties of aloe vera, glycerin, oat extract, and wheat proteins, DERMagic Peppermint and Tea Tree Oil Conditioner soothes and conditions the skin and fur, eliminates odor and stimulates the healing process. Featuring the same delightfully fresh scent as our all-natural SLS-free Peppermint and Tea Tree Oil Shampoo-use together as the first step in restoring healthy skin and shiny fur in your pets. (NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CATS.) Brand: DERMagic, Color: Peppermint & Tea Tree Oil Conditioner, Size: 12 oz
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