Deluxe Double Jogger Doll Twin Stroller Adjustable Handle High Quality Performance

Little rose
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  • Deluxe double sturdy doll stroller for two dolls and all their stuff. Manufactured with high quality parts for long lasting durability
  • Modeled after a full-size double stroller with a handle that adjusts up and down.
  • Smooth large 7" rolling wheels for easy stroll, folds for easy storage and travel
  • Fits two dolls up to 18" high. Includes large storage basket. High Quality rubber wheels SAFE ON WOOD FLOORS
  • Adjustable Handle - 20" (low) - 31" (high)

  • Twin Double Jogging Doll Stroller. Perfered for use for the American Girls Bitty's Double Stroller. Your little girl can take her Twins for a front-to-back stroller ride! This double stroller features a pretty black and white chevron pattern, a working canopy, a cushioned hand grip, an adjustable handle, rubber Wheels, and a lower basket to carry everything the Twins need when they're on the go. It even folds up for easy storage. This is the perfect folding stroller for little mommies with twins or two dolls they just can't leave at home. With realistic details and engaging features. For dolls up to 18 inches. The stroller features a metal frame with plastic components, fabric seats, and a canopy. It also folds for easy storage. Doll is not included. Imported.. This Twin Stroller is defined by its beauty and durability. The quality compares to many leading brands such as Corolle, Pottery Barn and American Girl. Imported
    Brand: Little rose, Color: Black and White Chevron

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