Supports all major network operating systems and protocols
Supports both infrastructure or ad-hoc wireless modes
Easy configuration with a web browser or Windows-based configuration program
Transmit to high-speed laser printers faster than a PC parallel port
Extremely portable and inexpensive compared to a PC-based print server
The D- Link DP-311U is a compact, 802.11b compatible, wireless print server that allows network users to share a USB printer. The DP-311U is equipped with one USB version 1.1 port for seamless connection to most USB printers available on the market today and supports both infrastructure or ad hoc wireless modes. It¿s compact size, easy to use configuration tools including a Web Browser or Windows based configuration program, and affordable price make the DP-311U print server the ideal network printing solution for small offices, home offices, schools and other businesses that require printer sharing. Brand: D-Link, Model: DP-311U
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