Curve Crush By Liz Claiborne For Women. Eau De Toilette Spray 1.7 Ounces

Liz Claiborne
SKU: EZFB000C1Z868
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  • An urban floriental, Curve Crush is deliciously feminine & fun loving. It features top notes of Crushed Citrus, Chai Latte & Cyclamen Nectar, middle notes of Orchid, Lily of the Valley & Anise with a drydown of Madagascar Vanilla, Tonka Bean & Sexy Musk.
  • Curve Crush is impulsive! It's an unplanned adventure, but a journey you definitely want to take, filled with an intense fantasy of what could be.
  • Edgy, Feminine, Fun

  • Introduced in 2003. Fragrance notes: A fruity and luscious scent, with sweet flowers, musk and vanilla. Recommended use: romantic.When applying any fragrance please consider that there are several factors which can affect the natural smell of your skin and, in turn, the way a scent smells on you.  For instance, your mood, stress level, age, body chemistry, diet, and current medications may all alter the scents you wear.  Similarly, factor such as dry or oily skin can even affect the amount of time a fragrance will last after being applied
    Brand: Liz Claiborne, Model: 135213, Size: 1.7 oz

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