Crest 3D White Glamorous White Whitestrips Dental Teeth Whitening Strips Kit, 14 Treatments - Lasts 6 Months & Beyond

Crest Whitestrips
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  • Whitens 25x better than a leading teeth whitening toothpastewhen toothpaste is used for 4 weeks
  • The First and Only Whitening Strips Accepted by the American Dental Association
  • Use once a day for 30 minutes
  • Removes 10 years of tough set-in stains from coffee, wine and smoking.
  • The strips mold to the shape of your teeth and come off cleanly

  • Removes 10 years of stains and whitens teeth 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. Think your whitening toothpaste is giving you the whitest smile you can get Think again. With Crest 3D White Glamorous White Whitestrips, you'll whiten your smile 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. Their no slip grip means the strips stay put until you take them off, allowing you to talk and even drink water while whitening your teeth. Using them just once a day for 30 minutes elevates your whiter smile to the next level. when toothpaste is used for 4 weeks
    Brand: Crest Whitestrips, Model: NA, Color: white, Size: 14 Treatments

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