CreepyParty Deluxe Halloween Costume Party Latex Animal Dog Head Mask sounding Poodle (Silent)

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  • Comfortable and breathable, see through the mask's eyes and nose's hole.
  • This is one of the best masks that are available on Best quality Faux fur makes you feels very slippery and comfortable.
  • Buy one to freak out your dogs, or get a panda mask just like the picture displayed on brand details page to get more fun. Panda mask:
  • Perfect for a fun meme, Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Carnival, Costume parties, Tag party or simply for going to a night club. Anyway, it will see plenty of use at times other than Halloween!
  • CreepyParty is an Amazon Registered Brand. More funny and creepy mask, please visit our store CreepyParty-seaton:

  • Made from high quality eco-friendly latex. Made exclusively for CreepyParty. To ensure it is the real deal please look for the CreepyParty label. Please note If you think this mask has a little odor, just don't worry, it's the normal odor of latex, put it under ventilated place for one day, the odor will disappear. Package Included: 1 x German Shepherd Latex Mask What is CreepyParty We are a professional and experienced latex mask manufacturer. We are committed to providing our customers with a wide variety of awesome designs and high quality masks. We are now expanding and developing our business online. We just launched Amazon storefronts in the US and Europe. Because it's directly from us and no middlemen involved, we are able to offer customers lower, more affordable price. Our slogan is "Let the fun begin!" Here are some tips to get the most enjoyment from our masks No.1 Please be aware that the vacuum packaging may cause a slight deformation issue. I say slight because it will go back to its original and intended shape in a couple of hours. Just use something to hold the mask open. We suggest a wig stand or Styrofoam mannequin which can be found and purchased cheaply. One customer says that a small waste basket turned upside down will also work. No.2 In order to make our mask look more realistic we intentionally made the slits for eyes and mouth small. However, if needed, you can improve your sight by reworking our mask at home carefully cut them larger.
    Brand: CreepyParty, Color: White, Size: One Size

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