Orange Washable Tempera Paint for Kids in a 32 Fluid Ounce Bottle
Crayola Washable Paints are great for kids, because they will wash clean from hands with soap and water, and can be cleaned from most clothing.
Our Orange Paint provides high-quality coverage and is great for color mixing.
Crayola Tempera Paint is perfect for a variety of surfaces and painting techniques
Safe and Nontoxic Kids Paint
Trusted brand delivers convenience and ease of use
Kids love to paint, can be used on almost any surface Great for arts and crafts and school projects
Washability makes fun with colors and clean-up simpler than ever
Painting develops child's fine motor skills and teaches color mixing and blending
Painting is enjoyed by children of all ages
Crayola Washable Tempera Paint in Orange is ideal for school projects, art classes, and household crafting. This washable paint is easily cleaned from hands with soap and water, and stains can be removed from most clothing with proper wash and care. Ideal for use on a variety of surfaces, our Orange paint provides opaque coverage, and works well for color mixtures. Parents can rest easy knowing that this is a safe and nontoxic paint for kids. Brand: Crayola, Model: 54-3132-036, Color: Orange, Size: Value not found
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