My First Crayola provides children their first art supplies made especially for their little hands so they can create
Easy-grip egg shaped crayons are sized to fit toddler palm
Washable and Non-Toxic
Designed for little hands to express create and connect with color! These egg-shaped crayons come in 3 bright, bold colors in a fun easy-to-grip shape
Crayola My Virtual Fashion Show Design and show off your original fashions with Crayola My Virtual Fashion Show. For use with iOS and Android devices and made for ages six and up, this app provides everything you need to create custom fashions and see them on a virtual model as she walks down a virtual runway. My Virtual Fashion Show comes with a fashion portfolio for keeping and carrying your original creations, 12 mini colored pencils for sketching, and a 20-page fashion sketch book for you to create up to 10 designs. Compatible with iOS and Android devices. View larger Create Your Own Custom Fashions With the Crayola Virtual Fashion Show you can transform your creative vision into a virtual reality for all to see. To get started, use the mini colored pencils to sketch your designs on the pre-printed model template in the sketch book. Design dresses, tops, skirts, pants, and shoes while experimenting with color, shape, and different styles. Brand: Crayola, Model: 81-1345, Color: Blue/Red and Yellow
Custom Tab 01
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