Crayola Binney & Smith (R) Washable Finger Paint, 16 Oz., Orange

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Brand Crayola
Model 55-1316-036
Color Orange
Size Pint

  • Washable finger paint makes finger painting worry-free for teachers and parents. Premium washable paint easily washes from skin and most washable clothing so paint is perfect for introducing young children to the joys of painting and self-expression
  • Creamy, thick consistency reduces spilling and splashing and assures consistent performance
  • Paint is certified AP nontoxic

  • Washable finger paint makes finger painting worry-free for teachers and parents. Premium washable paint easily washes from skin and most washable clothing so paint is perfect for introducing young children to the joys of painting and self-expression. Freeze-thaw stable paint does not separate and won't crack or rub off when dry. Translucent, plastic squeeze bottle with airtight flip-top lid reduces spoilage and delivers easy, clean dispensing.

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