MYdrap-real fabric napkins and placemats on a roll. MYdrap Cocktail Napkins are the only brand of 100-Percent cotton napkins that come on a roll, to tear off just like their paper counterparts-but you can use each one up to six times. Each Cocktail Napkin is 4.3-Inch square (11cm), and can be used as a napkin or fabric coaster; they come in a roll of 50 napkins. The solid red napkin is trimmed with a pinstripe white line around the border. The napkins offer equal levels of design, quality and convenience, and are completely washable at a very affordable price. MYdrap's patented technology enables you to have a perfectly smooth napkin with a soft feel; each napkin is perforated at the edge so it tears off the roll cleanly and quickly, and goes straight to your table. The napkin rolls pack easily into a bag or picnic basket, for easy and efficient transport. MYdrap napkins have countless uses: a children's party, a formal dinner, a patio luncheon, a cocktail party, on your boat, at the beach, as a coaster, or even as guest towels in your powder room. The 100-Percent cotton fabric is completely machine washable and tumble dry, and can be laundered up to six times. Dispose of each piece at the end of its cycle in your "clean-green" recycle bin, as each piece is completely biodegradable. MYdrap napkins are perfect for home, catering or restaurant use, featuring the quality of a 100-Percent fabric table linen with the convenience of disposables. All MYdrap products are designed and manufactured to the strictest quality standards in Barcelona, Spain. Brand: MYdrap, Model: SA11/701-2, Color: Lipstick Red, Size: Cocktail napkin/coaster
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