Corolle Classic 17" Baby Doll Fashions (Pink Overalls Set)

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  • The deep pink velour overalls set has a sweet pink bow and matching t-shirt all ready for your 17" Corolle baby's playdate
  • Clothes for any event - from dresses to denim your doll is covered
  • Every Corolle doll is created with emotion, expertise and French style
  • At Corolle we bring caring, savoir-faire and style to everything we create, so that every little girl can find the doll of her dreams in our collection
  • Every Corolle doll is styled in France

  • The deep pink velour overalls set has a sweet pink bow and matching t-shirt all ready for your 17" Corolle baby's playdate. Ages 3 years and up. Clothes for any event. From dresses to denim your doll is covered. At Corolle we bring caring, savoir-faire and style to everything we create, so that every little girl can find the doll of her dreams in our collection. Every Corolle doll is created with emotion, expertise and French style. Corolle knows little girls by heart and designs its dolls for the ways they play. That unique and special touch of refinement is the Corolle difference. Every Corolle doll is styled in France. Features include: •The deep pink velour overalls set has a sweet pink bow and matching t-shirt all ready for your 17" Corolle baby's playdate •Clothes for any event - from dresses to denim your doll is covered •Every Corolle doll is created with emotion, expertise and French style •At Corolle we bring caring, savoir-faire and style to everything we create, so that every little girl can find the doll of her dreams in our collection •Every Corolle doll is styled in France

    Recommended Ages:3 – 7
    Brand: Corolle, Model: W0109

    Custom Tab 01

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