Corolle Babicorolle Babipouce Grenadine's Heart Doll

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  • Soft, plush body that is easy to grasp and hold
  • Styled in a hot pink top complete with purple leggings
  • Specially designed to be easily cradled in your child's arm
  • Features signature Corolle vanilla-scented vinyl
  • Designed and styled in France

  • Sweet-smelling and super soft, the Corolle Barbicorolle Babipouce Grenadines Heart 11 in. Doll is designed to be baby's first dolly. This feather-light doll features a plush body with sewn-on raspberry and lavender outfit with cap. Her soft vinyl hands are curled naturally and her face has a sweet expression. This doll is machine-washable, has a soft vanilla scent, and will be your baby's first treasured doll. About Corolle Corolle is a premier doll brand designed in the storybook region of France's Loire Valley. Since 1979, Corolle has been creating highly detailed dolls designed to be cherished by children everywhere. Every Corolle doll will inspire magical childhood memories that will last for a lifetime. Corolle dolls look and feel as real as possible. They're created of soft, supple vinyl, have natural-looking hair, and wear on-trend fashions. Corolle dolls are designed durable enough to withstand years of hugs and love. Perfect heirloom treasures! Doll play encourages children to explore different roles from caring for and sharing hopes and dreams to finding an understanding playmate and friend for life. Corolle designs dolls for children of all ages. There is a range of Corolle dolls designed for specific ages. Babi Corolle is a soft-body doll perfect for newborn babies and older. It's machine-washable, feather-light, and made to be loved. Mon Premier Corolle is designed for babies 18 months and older. This line includes a range of baby dolls, clothing, and accessories. The dolls are lightweight and soft. The clothing has Velcro closures so it's easy to put on and take off. Mon Classique Corolle is a classic baby doll designed for toddlers to love and nurture. This line has a complete assortment of larger baby dolls, clothing, and nursery accessories. Some even have hair that can be brushed and styled. Others coo, giggle, drink, and go potty. Mademoiselle Corolle is a toddler doll for toddlers.
    Brand: Corolle, Model: Y3946, Size: 11 inches

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