Classic Toss and Catch Sports Game Set for Kids with Bean Bag Ball

Liberty Imports
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  • SAFE & FUN: Have a perfect day at the park and enjoy the tossing and catching game with our classic toss and catch sports game set. Included are two hook-and-loop fastener mitts with adjustable straps and 1 bean ball bag that is soft and totally safe for kids.
  • STURDY, DURABLE PADDLES: Two Self Stick Mitts in Blue and Yellow Colors (7" diameter). Play without any worries thanks to the sturdy and durable circular paddles. Quality pad ensures the ball will stick to the paddle to allow you to play the game carefree.
  • HACKEY SACK BALL: One beanie hackey sack ball included - SAFER for kids compared to the traditional tennis balls! Paddles are also compatible with regular tennis balls if desired!
  • ADJUSTABLE HAND STRAPS: Features adjustable hand straps to allow a variety of ages to use and enjoy this game without issues. Our catch and toss ball game set provides an excellent way to develop hand-eye coordination for kids.
  • FUN FOR A VARIETY OF AGES: Recommended for ages 3 plus and up · Great fun for everyone across the whole family · Fun way to develop hand-eye coordination in kids · Have fun indoor or outdoors, at the beach, playground, and backyard · Perfect party favor and stocking stuffer

  • Strap on these paddles and strap on a fun game for two. This paddle ball game is great for all ages and comes with two paddles and hackey sack ball. Adjust the straps to tightly fit your hand and get going. Great for playing inside or outside. This fun tossing and catching game includes 2 self-stick mitts and 1 bean bag ball to make it safer for kids to play with when compared to traditional tennis balls. However, they are also compatible with tennis balls if desired. Each mitt has a sticky front surface and adjustable strap on the back. Two players simply stand a distance apart, toss the self-stick ball, and try to catch it on their self-stick mitt. Use this Ball and catch set when you are at the beach, park, garden, backyard fun for the classic toss and catch game its absolutely good for the hand - eye coordination of young ones, great for kids' party, camping trip and other activities. Boost your kid's motoring skills, cognitive skills, social communication, and overall physical health with the help of these self stick mitt and Ball Set a great way to help in their early childhood development. The ball is a soft beanbag-style ball with each mitt having a sticky front surface and an adjustable back strap 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed! 30 Day Warranty from Liberty ImportsTM. NOTICE: The "Liberty Imports" seller is the only authorized seller, we do not sell wholesale so there should be NO other sellers; Any other sellers are illegally selling their own products using our registered Trademarked company name. In this listing, purchasing from any seller other than "Liberty Imports" will result in a potentially faulty product that may be unsafe and cause injury. Please be sure to purchase this product from the "Liberty Imports" seller to avoid any problems with your product and to ensure both your safety and satisfaction. Thank you.
    Brand: Liberty Imports

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