Classic Novelty Colorful Rainbow Neon Plastic Spring Toy for Birthday Party Favors, Bag Fillers, Gift (12 Pack)

Super Z Outlet
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  • Pass them out to kids as party favors for boys and girls and used as raffle prizes. Use them in kids party favor bags, party favor boxes, pinata filler, adhd toys and other birthday goodie bag stuffers. Makes the perfect prize in kids party favor bags, party favor boxes, mixed with pinata candy and as party favors for adults.
  • These kids toys are the perfect companions for any game room and game day school rewards and prizes for children. Use them as birthday goodie bag stuffers, pool party decorations and birthday party games. Can be used as therapy toys and even stress relief toys.
  • Essential in your birthday party supplies for your next special event beach party with other kids party games. A must have slinky toy along with all the balloons, candy, cupcakes and novelty toys in candy bags. Makes the perfect pastime activity at home or school recess playtime. Use as carnival prizes, in playful Pinatas, fun gag gifts or classroom rewards.
  • Vivid looking multi-color blend through each coiled plastic toy. Colors include orange, green, yellow, purple, pink, and blue. Every order includes a package of 12 toy springs in total. With 6 Glitter and 6 Non-Glitter Neon rainbow spring toys.
  • Spring toys measure 2" inches wide and 2.5" inches tall when not extended. Fun to stretch out these colorful springs and watch them will snap right back.

  • Pastel colors perfectly fits as Easter bunny basket fillers and stocking stuffers along with Candy and other novelty toys in any goody bags. A playful stress reliever, pen holder, memo holder and desk toy all in one gift idea for anyone. Spice up your party favor giveaways with this classic plastic spring toy. Perfect novelty giveaways as carnival prizes, door prizes, and school rewards for kids. Also used as party favors in gift goody bags as stuffers for kids and goodie bag fillers for any birthday party. Have these essential birthday party supplies ready for your next special event. Makes the perfect prize in kids party favor boxes, party favor bags, candy bags, and party favors for adults.

    NOTICE: The "Super Z Outlet" seller is the only authorized seller, we do not sell wholesale so there should be NO other sellers; Any other sellers are illegally selling their own products using our registered Trademarked company name. In this listing, purchasing from any seller other than "Super Z Outlet" will result in a potentially faulty product that may be unsafe and cause injury. Please be sure to purchase this product from the "Super Z Outlet" seller to avoid any problems with your product and to ensure both your safety and satisfaction. Manufacturer's warranty included only when purchased from Super Z Outlet.

    Brand: Super Z Outlet, Color: Multi-color, Size: Small

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