Chummie Joy 6 In 1 Portable Potty Training Ladder Step Up Seat For Boys And Girls With Anti-Skid Feet, Adjustable Steps, Comfortable Potty Seat And Handrail

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  • SAFE DESIGN - Anti-skid feet ensure that unlike other potty's, the Joy Potty Trainer does not move around and stays firmly in place when in use; non-slip handrails provide support when children are seated
  • ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT - Ideal for children of varying heights who want to use the portable potty trainer, which makes it a perfect addition to a growing child as he/she is learning to potty train
  • BRIGHT FUN COLORS - With bright fun colors, make potty training a fun experience; children will want to use their potty daily and be more inclined to potty train faster
  • ONE SIZE FITS ALL - Fits standard and most elongated toilet seats. So you can now have the perfect size stool for your child. The large, wide step will help your child climb up and down with ease
  • ADDITIONAL BENEFITS - Assembles in minutes without special tools and folds for easy storage; environmentally friendly, 100% non-toxic; ideal for children 1 year to 3 years old and safely sits up to 60 lbs

  • The Chummie Joy Potty Trainer is designed to keep your child secure and comfortable when using a Mommy and Daddy's big toilet.

    The unique, easy to use self-standing, 6-in-1 potty trainer comes with amazing features such as easy to assemble, easy to use, easy to clean; plus many more safety features.

    Pick up the Joy trainer and place on toilet for immediate use or simply fold it and stow it away for easy storage. Develop a quicker and smarter potty training habit with the Chummie Joy Potty Trainer.

    Brand: Chummie, Model: TCP20M

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