Chill-Its 8935CT Evaporative Cooling Ranger Hat Hi Vis Lime, Large/X-Large

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Brand Ergodyne
Model 8935CT
Color Lime
Size Large/X-Large

  • LONG LASTING INSTANT COOLING RELIEF Can last for up to 4 hours on a single soak. Simply re-wet to increase cooling duration. Vented mesh side panels for increased air flow and breathability
  • EASY TO USE AND ACTIVATE Run under water for about a minute, twirl in the air, and it's cool! Wear for drip-free cooling relief as temperatures rise.
  • WIDE BRIM Protects and blocks face from the sun
  • DURABLE AND REUSABLE Product can be re-used over and over again. Let air dry (material will get stiff), re-wet until soft and it's ready to use!
  • HIGH VISIBILITY Made with ANSI certified polyester and reflective tape for increased visibility protection
  • Size: S/M (21-22.5") L/XL (22.5-24")

  • Ergodyne Chill-Its 8935CT cooling ranger hat is lined with super evaporative PVA material that is easy to activate and comfortable to wear all day long for cooling and visibility protection. Can be used for hours or for quick relief. Reusable, just re-wet to activate. Great for outdoor sports, camping, days at the beach or on a boat, golf, landscaping, yard work, construction job sites, fishing, gardening, hiking, roofing

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