Capture the Flag REDUX - a Nighttime Outdoor Game for Youth Groups, Birthdays and Team Building - Get Ready for a Glow in the Dark Adventure

Capture the Flag REDUX
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  • Play Capture the Flag in the dark using futuristic lights -- with 33 light up game pieces, 12-24 hours of batteries, game variations and ALL NEW games
  • Exciting nighttime activity -- without TVs, computers or tablets. Physical exercise becomes part of the fun as players run, hide and chase each other to win!
  • Bring people of all ages together -- kids, teens & adults will all enjoy this awesome icebreaker and activity that develops teamwork, group bonding, comradery and strategy
  • Playable anywhere with space to run -- it's a unique group game for schools (inside a gym with the lights off), youth organizations, leadership retreats, corporate retreats, sleepaway camps, summer camps, family reunions, sports teams and more
  • If you're looking for a cool gift idea, a game for parties or just a fun activity -- this is an exciting alternative to laser tag, flashlight tag, light up LED balls, lawn games, even airsoft or paintball

  • About the Game Capture the Flag REDUX is a group game that uses LED lights to transform "Capture the Flag" into an after-dark adventure. Play it in your backyard, at the park, camping or anywhere with space to run safely in low light conditions. Your mission: Steal the Orb from your enemies. Your challenge: Sneak past the red war lights, capture your enemyÕs Orb and get it back to your territory. BUT whatever you do: Don't get caught! Key Features • LED lights enable hours of playing Capture the Flag play at night • Perfect for 4 to 16 individuals • Develops teamwork and camaraderie • Promotes physical exercise, strategy and endurance for teenagers and adults alike • Futuristic and fun nighttime excitement • Includes 12 new game types such as The Traitor, Ghoul, Werewolves vs. Hunters and many more Game Kit Includes • 2 Glowing Orbs (which are luminescent variations on the traditional flag, one blue, the other green) • 8 Jail Markers (to light up jail boundaries) • 6 Territory Lights (for marking where is safe and where you can get caught) • 16 LED Glow Bracelets (eight blue & eight green for each team) • 12 Game Variation Cards • 1 Guidebook (in English and Spanish) Featured on • Kickstarter (as a Staff Pick) • Buzzfeed • For the Cool • The Freshprenuer • BritCo • Outdoor Game Players • Summer Camp Program • Celebrate Women Today • Boy's Life • Many others! So get your friends, family, or youth group together -- and play Capture the Flag at night... A glowing adventure awaits you!
    Brand: Capture the Flag REDUX

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