Cabbage Patch Kids Twinkle Toes: Caucasian Girl Doll, Blonde, Blue Eyes

Cabbage Patch Kids
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  • NEW to the patch are Cabbage Patch Twinkle Toes Kids with real light-up shoes by Skechers!
  • This Blue eyed Blond hair 'Kid stands 14" tall, features a soft, cuddly body and is ready for adoption
  • Gently tap the bottom of the shoe on a hard surface or your hand to watch shoes light up and shine!
  • Kid comes with removable fashions, removable Twinkle Toes by Skechers shoes, a birth certificate and adoption papers
  • Comes with one of a kind name and birthday and the iconic baby powder scent that everyone loves and remembers from CPK

  • NEW to the patch are Cabbage Patch Twinkle Toes Kids with real light-up shoes by Skechers! These 14" Kids come wearing a variety of the most popular Twinkle Toes shoes that really light up- just like the real thing! Now your kid can match her shoes to her Cabbage Patch Kid and shine on in style. Gently tap the bottom of the shoe on a hard surface or your hand to watch shoes light up and shine! This Blue eyed Blond hair 'Kid stands 14" tall, features a soft, cuddly body and is ready for adoption. Her brightly colored outfit matches her funky Twinkle Toes shoes that blink with every step. Just like original Cabbage Patch Kids, each 'Kid comes with removable fashions, removable Twinkle Toes by Skechers shoes, a birth certificate and adoption papers with one of a kind name and birthday and the iconic baby powder scent that everyone loves and remembers from CPK. Just like real kids Cabbage Patch Kids come in a variety of ethnicities, face shapes, hair colors, eye colors and more. Share your favorite childhood toy with your kids by giving them a Cabbage Patch Kid that is unique and different just like them!
    Brand: Cabbage Patch Kids, Model: 81205

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