Bump Patrol Sensitive Skin Shave Gel With Aloe Vera - Prevents Razor Burn, Bumps, Ingrown Hair – 7 Ounces

Bump Patrol
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  • SENSITIVE SHAVING GEL - This shave gel is designed for men and women with ultra-sensitive skin.The Aloe Vera not only soothes and heals your skin but also improves razor glide. You'll achieve a clean, close shave with this sensitive shaving gel.
  • NO MORE BUMPS, NICKS, CUTS - The days of razor burns, bumps, nicks, cuts, redness, ingrown hairs and irritation are over.You'll start to see a positive change in the appearance and feel of your skin in about 3-5 days.
  • WHY ALOE VERA - The Aloe Vera plant has proven time and time again to be great for people with sensitive skin.The anti-inflammatory properties help your skin to heal, rejuvenate while also moisturizing. Including it in our sensitive shave gel was a no-brainer!
  • POPULAR WOMEN'S CHOICE - It is an outstanding shaving gel for women!Women use it to safely shave their underarms, legs, bikini line and intimate areas.Since it is a clear gel, it makes it easy for you to see exactly where you are shaving.
  • NOURISHES AND PROTECTS - The shave gel is designed to not only provide a clean, close shave, but also leave your skin feeling healthy and fresh.It works great when paired with Bump Patrol Aftershave Treatment.

  • Achieve a beautiful, close shave while also nourishing and protecting your precious skin!

    If you have searched high and low for a shaving gel that won't upset your sensitive skin but have come up empty, then today is your luck day!  

    This shave gel is designed for individuals with ultra-sensitive skin that want a close shave while simultaneously preventing razor bumps, burns, ingrown hairs and irritation. This formula is Dermatologist approved and works wonderfully on all skin types and tones.

    Sensitive Skin Shave Gel Benefits:

  • Great on sensitive skin
  • Clear gel for easy shaving
  • Use from head to toe
  • Works for men and women
  • Suitable for all skin tones
  • Includes Aloe Vera
  • Women love to shave with this clear gel too!

    They use the shaving gel to safely and effectively shave their underarms, legs and bikini line to achieve a truly flawless result.  It is a must-have during beach season!

    Pair it with Bump Patrol Aftershave Treatment and you are on your way to a perfectly clean shave without the unwanted irritation!

    Brand: Bump Patrol, Size: 7oz, Single

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