Bumbo | Step 'n Potty | Aqua

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  • VERSATILITY - 1) Beginning as a standalone potty with an easy to clean pot 2) Graduating to the adult toilet with the Bumbo Soft Seat 3) Step stool to reach the bathroom sink to clean hands.
  • STAND-ALONE POTTY - Providing the perfect potty for your toddler, the 3-in-1 potty is an easy way to potty train your little one with their own potty. Easy to clean and comfortable, the 3-in-1 serves as a great starting point in your toddler's training.
  • STEP STOOL - With two quick steps, the 3-in-1 quickly becomes a convenient bathroom sturdy and slip-resistant step stool; With a textured, gripping top, this Bumbo step stool is essential in the bathroom and around the home.
  • POTTY REDUCER - When your little one has graduated to the toilet, it's time to bring out the potty reducer, comfort and familiarity are essential in successful potty training, the potty reducer provides the confidence your little one needs.
  • EASY TO CLEAN - Lightweight and portable makes cleaning a breeze. Clean and simple design can be repeatedly used after cleaning, removable waste cup makes clean-up a breeze.

  • This Bumbo Step and Potty puts an end to all the potty and toilet training woes faced by parents. Bumbo's Step 'n Potty provides a complete toilet training solution for toddlers to help take those first steps toward independence. The super soft Bumbo Toilet Trainer is used to assemble the first stage potty seat which has a removable potty for easy cleaning. As the child grows the base is easily converted into a slip-resistant step stool and the super soft seat is placed on an adult toilet for ultimate security and comfort. Supports up to 110 lbs.
    Brand: Bumbo, Color: Aqua

    Custom Tab 01

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