The most UNIQUE and AMAZING SMELLING Breathe Blend on the market, in our opinion. If you are not ABSOLUTELY amazed, receive a full refund no questions asked!
SUPERIOR EXPERIENCE: If you are just trying our Breathe Blend for the first time and you do not switch to it permanently as your new favorite oil we will refund your money, guaranteed.
PURE RIGOROUS QUALITY TESTING & CONTROLS: Distillation facility is GMP, ISO 9001 and Kosher certified, FDA Registered. Make sure ALL oils you buy have these qualifications. In our opinion our oil is superior to organic and THE MOST RARE, BEST SMELLING, AND MOST THERAPEUTICALLY EFFECTIVE OF ALL, Healing Solutions Breathe Blend is produced using plants and flora grown in the best possible place on earth which ensures that it will have the highest therapeutic content possible.
LIMITED SUPPLY SALE ---------- Healing Solutions is SUPERIOR because it offers over 170 different oils for blending/pairing.
100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Breathe Blend Eucalyptus, Cardamom, Lemon, Laurel Leaf, Peppermint, Pine, and Tea Tree - Comparable to Doterra Breathe, Young Living Raven, Eden's Exhale, Inhale, Respiratory and Sinus Relief - Breathe Easy / Easier Comes in an amber glass essential oil bottle. European Dropper Cap included. What sets Healing Solutions Essential Oils apart is superior cultivation of ingredients that are the best in the world. Combined with superior distillation and bottling care process, We GUARANTEE that our oils are aromatically superior and more effective than any other oils - if you disagree we will refund your money! Zen The Leading Aromatherapy Associations (Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA), International Aromatherapy and Aromatic Medicine Association, Aromatherapy Trade Council, and others) all state that essential oils should not be taken internally (regardless of purity or organic origin) unless under the guidance of a health care practitioner trained at an appropriate level . As such, all of our oils carry a label warning that the product is NOT FOR INTERNAL USE. Brand: Healing Solutions, Size: 10ml
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