Bluetooth Media Streaming for Audi, VW and Mercedes Benz from any phone. Android support for music streaming.
Play, Pause, Browse, Skip, and control music playback using original steering wheel and head unit controls
Automatic reconnection every time you enter the vehicle. Simultaneously use the original or after market Bluetooth handsfree phone and automatically switch between music playback
Plug and Play with no installation! Simply plug into your cars existing iPod/Media socket
Display your entire iPod music library on your original car screen from your iPhone, iPad or iPod To
The WMA3000A is a plug-and-play wireless Bluetooth music adapter designed for original Audi/BMW/Mercedes/VW factory fitted iPod kits as well as aftermarket in-car iPod integration. Advanced wireless music technology powered by high quality WIRELESSTOOTH technology enables it to flawlessly communicate with Apple's iPhone, iPod and iPad. Instead of manually plugging the iPod into the connector every time you enter the car, you instead connect the device via the built in iPod integration cable to your cars media port. Once you are connected and paired with your iPhone/iPod, every time you re-enter the vehicle the Bluetooth connection will be established automatically, meaning that your full music library will be instantly accessible on your in-car iPod interface, without having to remove the phone from your bag/pocket and manually plugging into the cable. This allows for a much more enjoyable in-car music experience as you can simply get in and drive, without the risk of leaving the iPhone/iPod in the car after the journey. Brand: Bovee, Model: WMA3000A
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