Body Adhesive / Body Glue for Glitter Tattoos / Temporary Tattoos -HYPOALLERGENIC and DERMATOLOGIST TESTED!

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  • Specially formulated body adhesive that is ideal for glitter tattoo / temporary tattoos or any other form of body art
  • Lasts up to 5 days and even waterproof (when used with GlitZGlam glitter)
  • Size: 7 ML (compared to 3 ML by other popular brands)
  • HRIPT & CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act) certified - in other words: very safe to use!
  • Ideal consistency for a perfect application every time. A small drop goes a long way when covering an area on the skin prior to applying the glitter / bodyart

  • This specially formulated body adhesive is safe for the skin and certified hypoallergenic by dermatologists and labs. Body glue lasts up to 5 days (when used with GlitZGlam glitter) but can be easily removed with any oil-base lotion. Directions: 1. Apply on a clean skin 2. Wait for 30 seconds (until it becomes transparent) 3. Apply glitter of choice or other forms of body art. You may wash the skin as you normally would but avoid scrubbing the tattoo to prolong its life. If you wish to remove it - simply apply baby oil or any oil-base lotion and soak for few minutes. Then gently scrub and remove the glitter.
    Brand: GlitZGlam, Model: 69200

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