Blessed Herbal Attraction / Love Candle

Coventry Creations
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Brand Coventry Creations
Model BHC-AT
Color Red
Size 1.5" x 7"

  • Attraction/Love is a hot red candle with a romantic lavender spice blend.
  • The Attraction/Love candle is designed to open your heart, mind and spirit to the ultimate source of love.
  • This candle measures 1.5" x 7" pillar and has a 40 hour burn time.
  • Coventry Creations of Ferndale, Michigan, hand pours their candles when the moon is right.

  • Red Romantic Lavender Spice Blend The Attraction candle opens your heart, mind and spirit to the ultimate source of love to manifest what you desire and deserve. This candle is made to bring about a true understanding of the Love that starts within the self, for when there is self-love, you feel deserving of all good things. CANDLE USE: Attracting a love interest, future spouse, friendship, teacher, student, neighbor, etc. Attracting anything positive into your life. ASTROLOGICAL INFO: Made during the Waxing Moon getting brighter and brighter. Start on the New Moon/Dark Moon and light the candle every evening until the Full Moon. Focus on what it is that you want to attract to yourself. Look forward to your wish fulfillment by the Full Moon. OTHER INFO: Red for Attraction because of its traditional association with love and action. Red is the color of the Root Chakra and seeing red will trigger the chakra to remember its function, which includes acting on desire.

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