Bigjigs Toys Miami Villa Doll

Bigjigs Toys
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  • Bigjigs Toys believes every child should experience engaging their very own dollhouse; this pretty pastel-colored Miami Villa is a superb choice
  • The Villa boasts a Miami-style design complete with two open floors, four rooms, a stairway, and front sliding doors
  • The base allows the house to be rotated, ensuring a child can access each room and arrange 12 pieces of wooden furniture included with the playset
  • Toy Specifications are: Height 19.29-inches x Width 15.55-inches x Depth 14.17-inches
  • Recommended for children Ages 3 years and up

  • Bigjigs Toys believes every child should experience engaging their very own dollhouse; this pretty pastel-colored Miami Villa is a superb choice. The Villa boasts a Miami-style design complete with two open floors, four rooms, a stairway, and front sliding doors. The base allows the house to be rotated, ensuring a child can access each room and arrange 12 pieces of wooden furniture included with the playset. Toy Specifications are: Height 19.29-inches x Width 15.55-inches x Depth 14.17-inches. Recommended for children Ages 3 years and up. Founded in June 1985, Bigjigs Toys is a family operated business which has never lost sight of its roots. Here at Bigjigs we are serious about product safety testing and play value, which is why our toys exceed the industry safety testing standard; and are only ever colored using child-safe paints. Bigjigs Toys products are lovingly crafted in Britain by our designers who work hard to include as much play and educational value in each and every toy as possible. Our mission is to deliver quality, safe and affordable products, which are Earth-conscientious when chosen and selected. Our offerings complement childhood through fun, exploration and learning. We believe that the best toys are powered by creativity and imaginative play and strive to produce toys that are cherished and enjoyed for years to come.
    Brand: Bigjigs Toys, Model: BJ460

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