Bellabe #1 Facial Hair Remover. Made in USA. Quick & easy women hair removal. Removes hairs on the upper lip, chin, cheeks and sideburns. No waxing, no tweezing, no shaving, no laser.
MADE IN U.S.A. Buy only from Bellabe USA Inc. to ensure that you will get the original and authentic Bellabe.
Removes facial hair from the roots without damaging the skin like waxing or bleaching does.
No more messing with creams, depilatories, waxes, bleaches or shavers.
Effective. Affordable. Easy. Fast. Convenient. Comes in a handy tube for storage.
WHY DO WE MANUFACTURE BELLABE FACIAL HAIR REMOVER IN U.S.A ISN'T IT CHEAPER TO MANUFACTURE IN CHINA OR INDIA We at Bellabe USA, believe that our product should be a safe and quality product. Since the spring is placed on the skin to remove hair, we want to be sure that the Bellabe spring which is comprised of a metal, and the plating on the spring, are certified to be safe for human use. We manufacture Bellabe in U.S.A. so that we have control over the plating process and the material used to make the springs. There are several platings available in the market for various uses, and many of them are human carcinogens. We use only facilities that are accredited by A2LA Laboratory Accreditation Program, to perform Quality Tests on all the parts which they plate. We cannot be certain that similar products that are manufactured in China or any other country adhere to the same high standards, given the history of their manufacturers and their unscrupulous practices. WHAT IS BELLABE Bellabe removes facial hair by trapping the unwanted hair in its precision coils and lifting them gently from the roots. Bellabe works like a tweezer, except that it removes a small area of hair at a time so it is much faster. There is no chemical used in this product so anyone can use Bellabe as often as they like to remove facial hair. Not for use on eyebrows. Designed to be used only on the upper lip, chin, and cheeks. Brand: Bellabe, Color: Tranquil Lavender, Size: One size
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