Bella B Tummy Honey Butter - 4 oz

Bella B
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  • Contains no water, yet doesn't leave tummy greasy
  • Wonderful, light fresh scent
  • Keeps skin super-elastic for stretch mark prevention
  • Includes anti-itch ingredients to soothe itchy tummies
  • Includes cocoa and shea butter

  • Bella B Tummy Honey Butter - Stretch Mark Prevention - 4 oz Jar

    The Original Tummy Honey Butter, launched in 1999, is the ultimate solution for the prevention of new stretch marks by maintaining skin elasticity and moisture deep into skin layers. Tummy Honey Butter is all-natural, hypoallergenic, contains no water, petroleum or lanolin (which comes from sheep wool) and includes anti-itch ingredients to soothe those growing tummies. Tummy Honey Butter is ideal for preventing stretch marks during pregnancy. It has an oil-based formula that penetrates deep into the skin layers, maintaining skin moisture and elasticity for several hours without leaving the skin feeling greasy. And unlike many other prevention products, Tummy Honey Butter contains no water--which ultimately dries out, and is not ideal for maximizing skin elasticity for extended periods. Tummy Honey Butter is also free of petroleum, lanolin and artificial preservatives, including parabens. Tummy Honey Butter has a mild, fresh scent. It includes such key ingredients as cocoa butter, shea butter, Vitamins D and E, wheat germ oil, olive oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, sesame oil, almond oil, and aloe vera. Use twice daily for best results. Tummy Honey Butter is also the winner of the iParenting Award for Excellence.

    Brand: Bella B, Model: M81000107A, Size: 4 oz

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