Beard Brush for Men by The Rugged Bros - Made from 100% Pure Wild Boar Hair - Best Round Hair Comb for Facial Care, Conditioning, and Distributing Oil - Perfect for Maintenance of Beards and Moustache

The Rugged Bros
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  • MENS VALENTINES GIFT - Our brush comes in a classic giftbox, making it the perfect present for the man in you life.
  • CURVED DESIGN - Your face isn't flat, is it Your hand isn't either right Why would you want a FLAT brush This brush is ergonomically designed to hug your face, and fit naturally in your hand, making styling and shaping your facial hair easy.
  • 100% WILD BOAR BRISTLES - This brush combines both short and long boars hair, for maximum beard contact. Our competitors cut their bristles, but that weakens the grip on your beard. That's no bueno. You also won't find any cheap plastic or nylon in our grooming brushes or combs.
  • CUSTOM MADE - Each of our brush handles are carved by hand. From the wood selection, to the boar hair, even to the exact size, shape and curvature, we have spared no expense in bringing you the perfect beard brush. It is durable and will last you for years, and you'll find it to be amongst the best beard products available.
  • PERFECT GIFT - Complete your mens gifts set kits with our softener shampoo, moisturizer cream, and organic argan beard oils. The best part is there is no need to wrap our brush at all! This medium firm brush comes prepackaged in a classic gift box. We only use the finest materials available so you can put less focus on beard care and more focus on slaying dragons.

  • Trust The Rugged Bros - For the Bearded HeroTM

    Bearding is a commitment. Isn't it time that you gave your mane the respect it deserves What better way to honor that commitment then giving yourself the beard brush that is the epitome of function and aesthetics.

    Highest Quality Materials

    • 100% Pure Boar Bristle means that you are no pig and are serious about your beard. Wooden and horn brushes aren't used by barbers for a reason. Our bristles won't itch, scratch, or irritate your beard, especially if you want to pair our brush with your favorite wash, balm, or wax.

    Extremely Functional and Practical

    • From its tapered curved handle that fits your palm easily, to the irregular length bristles that slide effortlessly through your mane, this beard brush has it all. Not too large or too small, it even has a slightly curved bristle array that's not too stiff and provides maximum contact to grip your beard hair even better, helping to keep it growing even more full.

    Warp Resistant and Long Lasting

    • Not only is the brush made of extremely fine materials, it will stand up to the test of time. It also easily fits in your pocket unlike bass or paddle brushes. You'll love it.

    Stylish and Unique, Like You

    • The elegant and stylish design of this brush comes right from the heart of New York City where the Rugged Bros call home. The vintage and classic aesthetic will make a statement on your shelf, or when you pack it for those weekend getaways, and those that are lucky enough catch it in their gaze, will be jealous without question.

    Get Yours Now!

    Brand: The Rugged Bros

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