Barbie Dream Horse & Black Hair Doll

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  • Experience the fun of horseback riding with Barbie doll with a DreamHorse, her most interactive horse yet!
  • The pretty white horse responds to actions and touch with more than 30 realistic reactions that bring the beauty of horses to life!
  • DreamHorse can walk forward, turn 360 degrees and neigh when you play
  • Barbie DreamHorse can feed with an included bunch of carrots and nuzzle in response to your touch
  • DreamHorse nods yes or no when you ask a question!

  • Bring the fun of horseback riding to life and play with Barbie doll like never before with her most interactive horse yet. The Barbie DreamHorse reacts to touch and sounds -- it features more than 30 realistic reactions! This amazing animal can walk forward, turn 360 degrees and neigh when you play. DreamHorse can also feed (a bunch of carrots are included) and nuzzle in response to your touch. For even more fun, DreamHorse nods yes or no when you ask a question! It can also play three songs and show off with three different dances. You and Barbie doll can groom the horse's super-long, curly mane and tail with the included brush. And of course, Barbie doll can sit on the saddle -- just use the included waist clip -- to ride along wherever DreamHorse goes. Barbie doll is ready to ride into your imagination wearing a riding tunic, molded pants, removable boots and a helmet. Her beautiful DreamHorse matches with a pink saddle and reins. Includes Barbie doll wearing fashions and accessories, interactive horse with saddle and reins, bunch of carrots, brush and helmet. Each sold separately, subject to availability. Doll cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary.
    Brand: Barbie, Model: FDB40, Color: Black Hair Doll

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