Barbie Color Me Cute Doll

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  • Create an amazing transformation with Barbie doll and her adorable puppy
  • Create an all-over colorful look or decorate with designs!
  • Using the pretty vanity with basin and brush, apply cold water to transform the puppy
  • Decorate Barbie doll's top with water, then let it dry to start over with new designs
  • Girls will love creating new, colorful looks for both Barbie doll and her pet puppy!

  • Barbie doll and her puppy are ready for an amazing, colorful day at the salon! Change the color on Barbie doll's fashion and her puppy just by using water! The transformation is so easy! An adorable vanity stand with basin holds the water, and an enclosed brush allows girls to really make their mark. Using these tools, simply apply ice cold water onto the puppy or Barbie doll's top to reveal bright colors. Create an all-over colorful look or decorate with fun designs. Give Barbie doll and her puppy unique looks or celebrate their special bond by giving them twin looks! When it's time to change it up, start all over again! Use warm water to return the puppy to its original color and simply let Barbie doll's top dry back to its original color. It's endless pet play and color-change fun! Includes Barbie doll wearing fashion that includes color-change top, puppy with all-over color-change feature, vanity stand with basin and brush. Colors and decorations may vary. Doll cannot stand alone. Ages 3 and older.
    Brand: Barbie, Model: CFN40, Color: Multi Color, Size: 2-4 years

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