Barbie African-American Miss March Birthstone Beauties

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  • Birthstone Beauties Barbie doll is available as a beautiful and stunning African-American doll. The amazing aquamarine, a soothing blue-green stone, is March's birthstone. Equally lovely is Miss Aquamarine Barbie doll, paying tribute to the glorious gem in faux aquamarine jewelry, a sassy lace dress, matching bolero jacket and heels, all in that enchanting greenish blue. Even the precious puppy's leash and crown come in the same birthstone shade. How brilliantly beautiful! Barbie African-American Birthstone Beauties Collection Doll. The fabulous new Birthstone Beauties Collection, a new series of "Pink Label" dolls celebrating the precious gems symbolizing the months of our birthdays! Each Birthstone Beauties doll wears a glittery lace dress with bolero jacket and sassy strapless heels, in shades designed to complement the necklace with faux gemstone pendants and matching earrings. And then they mix it upeach doll features a different combination of hair color and style, eye color, make-up and nail polish! But the cutest part isn't an accessoryit's the well-behaved princess puppies with each of the Birthstone Beauties, with matching leashes, collars, and crowns. With such a dazzling array of dolls, this is a truly fun way to celebrate your birth month - or someone else's - in style! What does your birthstone reveal about your life Does it stand for a light heart and enduring affections Glamor and regal elegance Or even the gifts of health, wealth, and wisdom If you want the answers, then check out the fabulous new Birthstone Beauties Collection, a new series of Pink Label dolls celebrating the precious gems symbolizing the months of our birthdays! The Complete Birthstone Beautie Collection (Barbie Collector Pink Label): African-American Miss Pearl Barbie doll - JuneAfrican-American Miss Ruby Barbie doll - JulyAfrican-Ame
    Brand: Mattel

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