Aveeno Absolutely Ageless Restorative Facial Anti-Aging Night Cream, 1.7 Oz

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  • Helps nourish skin overnight
  • Helps improve firmness
  • 1 week to younger, healthier looking skin
  • Skin type: Aging

  • Younger-looking skin in just 1 week. Starting Tonight. Nourish your skin for a younger and healthier- looking complexion with Aveeno Absolutely Ageless Restorative Night Cream. Absolutely Ageless Restorative Night Cream helps improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while deeply nourishing dry skin throughout the night. This formula is clinically proven to help reduce the visible effects of elastin and collagen loss, but also nourishes skin, to keep it looking younger, longer. This product contains an exclusive Active Naturals Blackberry Complex infused with vitamins C and E, antioxidants, and powerful anti-aging ingredients. It is hypoallergenic and non-greasy, so it won't clog pores.
    Brand: Aveeno, Size: 1.7 Ounce

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