Aura Cacia Pure Essential Oil, Vetiver, .5 Fluid Ounce

Aura Cacia
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  • 2 drops vetiver, 1 drop neroli, 1 teaspoon grape seed oil
  • Skin-enhancing oil
  • 5 drops vetiver, 5 drops lemon in a lamp ring diffuser

  • Aura cacia pure essential oil vetiver. Description: 100% pure essential oil - grounding. Aura cacia vetiver essential oil is grown and processed in haiti. Haitian vetiver has an aroma that is much cleaner and crisper than the smoky scent of the indonesian variety. This vetiver oil is produced in a sustainable manner the roots are continually split and replanted and sugar cane residues are burned to produce heat for the distillation process. Product notes: color: amber, grayish-brown, olive-brown, dark brown. Viscosity: viscous. Top note: sweet, earthy, should not be overly smoky, green, or potato-peel like. Middle note: richly sweet, heavy earthy, fragrant-woody. Dry note: very tenacious. Aromatherapy actions: soothing, relaxing, anchoring. Safety data: non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing. Origin: haiti. Disclaimer: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
    Brand: Aura Cacia, Model: 56644, Color: Amber/Brown/Green, Size: 0.5 oz

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