Aura Cacia Aromatherapy Mineral Bath, Relaxing Lavender, 16 ounce jar (Pack of 2)

Aura Cacia
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  • Lifts away old, dead cells then softens and soothes while filling your senses with a new awareness.
  • Aura Cacia blends mineral-rich ocean and desert salts with the benefits of pure essential oils.

  • Aura Cacia blends mineral-rich ocean and desert salts with the benefits of pure essential oils. The result is a natural formula that rids your skin of old, dead cells, then softens and soothes while filling your senses with a new awareness. Unique blends of essential oils offer specific body, mind and spiritual benefits, helping you achieve a renewed sense of balance and well-being. you emerge from the tub refreshed and velvety-smooth.
    Brand: Aura Cacia, Model: S0611848N2PK, Size: 16 oz (Pack of 2)

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