Glycolic peels help to rejuvenate skin by loosening the bond that holds dead skin cells on the epidermis.
Helps smooth out fine lines and wrinkles without visible peeling; evens out skin tone and texture to give a more beautiful complexion; Significant savings over professional treatments.
Made in the USA, each batch will have its own unique batch number and expiration date printed on the bottom of each bottle, as part of quality control procedures.
Trusted brand, ASDM Beverly Hills is a reputable skincare brand powered by science with decade's research and development to delivery best skincare products worldwide. No Parabens, no synthetic fragrance, and no animal testing.
Why spend hundreds of dollars on facials & procedures if you can perform them safely at home Glycolic acid peels are safe exfoliators that can be used to remove acne scars, reduce the appearance of wrinkles & fine lines, minimize the appearance of large pores, and sooo much more! Buy yours today and experience youthful skin even after one application! Brand: ASDM Beverly Hills, Model: 10 % GLYCOLIC ACID, Size: 2 Ounces
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