ArtNaturals Thermal Hair Protector Spray - 8.0 Oz - Protective Spray against Flat Iron Heat - Contains 100% Organic Argan Oil Preventing Damage, Breakage & Split Ends - Made in the USA - Sulfate Free
Art Naturals' Thermal Shield Leave-In Conditioner protects and reconditions hair that's been blow dried, flat ironed and curled.
Natural herbal extracts re-moisturize and rehydrate, then protect against more heat.
Protects against sun and humidity damages-perfect before outdoor activities.
Natural detangler for thick and unwieldy hair.
All ingredients meet Art Naturals' 100 percent natural standards. Paraben free and cruelty free!
"Before you blow dry one more time, let ArtNaturals' Thermal ShieldLeave-In Conditioner come to the rescue of dry, split hair. Whetherhair's hurting from too much heat, humidity, or sun exposure, naturalextracts of rosemary, peach, thyme, sage, and ginseng re-moisturize,then provide a barrier against more damage. Hair is restored to lusterand shine. If it could smile, it would. Our spray-on, leave-in Thermal Shield protects hair againsteverything we do to abuse it. It conditions for all-day moisturizing,with ¬natural herbal extracts supplying deep layers of moisture whileproviding a barrier of protection against heat. ¬It's a naturaldetangler for unwieldy and thick hair. And perfect for use beforeoutdoor activities. Rosemary extract helps stimulate hair follicles, making hair growlonger and stronger. Current research shows it also helps slow down hairloss. Peach extract's multiple benefits for hair include acting anemollient to enable hair to retain natural color as well as chemicallyapplied color. It also helps protect hair from sun, wind, rain andpollution. It deters frizz and helps prevent breakage and tangles. Thymeextract stimulates the scalp, helping keep both it and hair healthy.Sage extract keeps hair shiny, more manageable and improves texture. Andginseng extract improves hair's regeneration ability, along with thehealth of hair follicles and cells, preventing hair loss. The Thermal Shield stops hair from becoming brittle, cracked, anddry and helps to restore split ends. Result: Shiner, bouncier, healthierand more lustrous locks!" Brand: ArtNaturals, Model: ANHA-0801-VE, Size: 8 Ounces
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