APC 3-Outlet Surge Protector 1080 Joule with 3 USB Charging Ports, SurgeArrest Essential (P3U3)

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  • 3 Outlets with 1080 Joule Surge Protection
  • 3 Surge Protected USB Charging Ports, sharing 2.1A of power
  • Built-in Charging stand
  • 6' Power Cord

  • The APC Surge Arrest Essential product family represents the minimum level of surge protection that should be present on all of your computers and household electronics. State of the art circuitry protects sensitive electronic equipment against dangerous power surges and multiple surge events. The P3U3 model offers 3 surge protected outlets and a 1080 joule rating. In addition, 3 surge protected USB ports alleviate the threat of a surge or spike destroying your smart devices while they charge. The P3U3 also has a built in smart device charging stand, "Ground OK" wiring fault indicator, and 6 foot power cord. Finally, APC's lifetime product warranty and equipment protection policy guarantees customer peace of mind.
    Brand: APC, Model: P3U3, Color: White, Size: 6.40in. x 5.50in. x 3.10in.

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