American Girl Marie - Grace 18 Inch Doll and Paperback Book Set

American Girl
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  • 18" American Girl Marie-Grace Doll
  • Comes with a PB book & Meet outfit
  • The Marie-Grace doll has a huggable cloth body, and her movable head and limbs are made of smooth vinyl.

  • Bring Marie-Grace's inspiring stories to life! The Marie-Grace doll is 18" tall, with bright aquamarine eyes that open and close. She has long, silky caramel hair that can be gathered back in braids or styled loose over her shoulders, and she arrives in a plaid taffeta dress from 1850s New Orleans. Marie-Grace is soft and huggable, and she's poseable for hundreds of playtime moments to come.

    Marie-Grace opens up a whole world of imaginative play, and comes with authentic styles from 1853:

    A plaid taffeta dress in shades of pink and tangerine, featuring a wide neckline, puffed sleeves, and lace trim Lacy white pantalettes that peek out at the hem Knee-length stockings and two-tone boots with button details Long caramel hair styled in braids and tied with two pretty ribbons

    The Marie-Grace doll has a huggable cloth body, and her movable head and limbs are made of smooth vinyl. Includes the Meet Marie-Grace paperback book, the introductory story of this shy and compassionate girl happy to find a home in 1850s New Orleans.

    Brand: American Girl, Model: G1479

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