American Girl Isabelle - Isabelles Makeup Set - American Girl of 2014

American Girl
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  • Isabelle has everything she needs to shine in the spotlight! This shiny black case features fancy scrollwork and a metallic "Isabelle" graphic.
  • It has a mirrored top compartment and two additional drawers to store her gear.
  • The complete set includes: A black makeup case with multiple compartments, a pretend makeup palette built into the bottom drawer, a makeup brush, pretend lip gloss, a sparkly purple hair pick, a doll-sized faux spray bottle, six hairbands, two sheets of nail stickers to give Isabelle a temporary manicure, and two sheets of "gem" stickers to decorate the case.
  • Doll sold separately.
  • Ages 8

  • Isabelle has everything she needs to shine in the spotlight! This shiny black case features fancy scrollwork and a metallic "Isabelle" graphic. Plus, it has a mirrored top compartment and two additional drawers to store her gear. The complete set includes: A black makeup case with multiple compartments, a pretend makeup palette built into the bottom drawer, a makeup brush, pretend lip gloss, a sparkly purple hair pick, a doll-sized faux spray bottle, six hairbands, two sheets of nail stickers to give Isabelle a temporary manicure, and two sheets of "gem" stickers to decorate the case. Ages 8
    Brand: American Girl

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