Aeromax Junior Cowboy Hat with Bandanna, Black

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  • STYLISH SET -Includes Aeromax Jr. Cowboy Hat and bandanna in complementary colors to fit all styles and kids' personalities
  • FUN COSTUME ACCESSORIES FOR DRESS UP AND ROLE PLAY -For kids who love cowboy stories and games, this is a cute and easy way for them to roleplay. This dress-up toy will engage kids in lots of imaginative play
  • MADE WITH QUALITY MATERIALS -Aeromax Jr. Cowboy Hat is 100% polyester felt, a dense and sturdy material. Bandanna is made of 100% cotton to withstand several rounds of wear
  • PERFECT FIT FOR ALL AGES- Hat circumference is 22" while bandanna is 21.5" x 21.5". Both will stay on, even during the most intense cowboy adventures.

  • Make your cowboy smile with this black cowboy hat and bandana set! It's a great way to encourage her love of the great wild west.
    Brand: Aeromax, Model: CBBK-HAT, Color: Black, Size: One Size

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