Adafruit Mini Pan-Tilt Kit - Assembled with Micro Servos

In Stock


Brand Adafruit
Model 1967

  • Service will take place at the customer's location
  • Removal of existing CPU from desktop
  • Installation of one customer-supplied CPU
  • Installing new drivers
  • Component test and cleanup

  • This fully-assembled pan-tilt kit is the perfect way to give your project full range motion with two micro servos. The pan-tilt can rotate roughly 180° from side-to-side and can tilt up&downwards around 150°. It also comes fully assembled with two Micro Servos (SG-90 or SG-92 type) included and a 38mm x 36mm space to mount a camera or sensor or whatever you like.

    Since the motors are plain, every-day analog servos, you can use any microcontroller or driver. They're good for beginners who want to make stuff move and the pan-tilt is an easy way to give whatever you're making both left-right and up-down motion. In our demo, we hooked this up with a Trinket Pro and made it do a little dance with the Arduino Servo library.

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