Supports full 1080p60 2D and 3D Hi-definition video
Works with most HDMI-enabled HDTVs, Cable and Satellite TV set-top boxes, Blu-ray and DVD players, game consoles, PCs etc
Allows full control of source device from remote room
Multi-room support: Wireless signal can travel through standard home walls
Supports wireless transmission up to 150 feet (Actual distance is dependent on the environment)
MyWirelessTV is THE Complete whole-home, multi-room no compromise Wireless HD Video Distribution Kit incorporating HDMI and WiFi technology. MWTV delivers full 2D and 3D High-Definition video at resolutions up to 1080p60 to any HDTV up to 150 feet away. (Note: Display resolution and connection stability can be affected by the suitability of the surrounding environment for wireless transition.) State of the art technology delivers brilliant uncompromised theater quality video with virtually no delay. Modern HDCP 2.0 support guarantees your ability to play content protected video, and remote IR back-channel, and USB back-channel features allow you to control your source device(s) from any connected display location. The MWTV Transmitter boasts an HDMI 1.4 pass-through port, enabling connection of both local and remote wireless devices to a single source. Additional MWTV Transmitters and Receivers can be added as needed. On-screen control enables source switching and access to advanced features. Remote control included. Some environments are not well-suited to Wi-Fi transmission, and connection problems in these areas are not uncommon. If you experience a connection problem, visit the MyWirelessTV support page or contact our tech support immediately to get the latest software fix. Brand: Actiontec, Model: MWTV200KIT-01, Color: Black, Size: One Size
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