X-zylo Gyro Night Flight

William Mark
Out Of Stock


Brand William Mark
Model WM5001

  • Each product William Mark Corporation produces is slated for extraordinary flight performance and excitement.
  • The Xzylo Night Flight lights up the night sky with two brilliant light sticks
  • Leaves a cool, spinning trail of lights. The flying toy elite go for the Xzylo Night Flight
  • You'll need a lot of room such as a park or field when you use your X-Zylo
  • Skilled throwers can achieve distances exceeding 100 yards

  • The Xzylo Night Flight lights up the night sky with two brilliant light sticks! Leaves a cool, spinning trail of lights. The flying toy elite go for the Xzylo Night Flight. You'll need a lot of room such as a park or field when you use your X-Zylo. For first throws, the catcher should be at least 30 to 60 yards away. Skilled throwers can achieve distances exceeding 100 yards! Simply grip X-Zylo like a football and whip it fast and low. It's that easy and tons of fun!

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