Flying Squirrel Giant Rope Swing - 40” Saucer Tree Swing

Squirrel Products
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  • KIDS IN ACTION: The Flying Squirrel TM 40" Saucer Tree Swing is just the thing to get everyone outside. They'll spend hours exercising without even knowing it! You won't be able to get them inside.
  • ALL AGES: Recommended but not limited to ages 3-12, this swing is great for anyone to hop on and play. 40" in diameter, the Flying Squirrel TMTree swing is large enough for multiple children to ride.
  • EASY INSTALLATION: It's universal and versatile design allows for quick and painless installation. A perfect addition to any jungle gym, swing set, playground equipment, or treehouse.
  • CARE & DURABILITY: Made out of high quality material that can withstand up to 200 lbs, the Flying Squirrel TM 40" Saucer Tree Swing features a durable steel frame with foam padding for comfort and safety. STORE THE FLYING SQUIRREL OUT OF THE SUN WHEN NOT IN USE TO INCREASE THE LIFE OF THE PRODUCT.
  • 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: Squirrel Products offer durability and enjoyment for all their products for endless fun. WARRANTY -Against manufacturer defects. Not suitable for children under 3.

  • The Flying Squirrel TM 40" Saucer Tree Swing Just the thing to get everyone outside. They'll spend hours exercising without even knowing it! You won't be able to get them inside. It's universal and versatile design allows for quick and painless installation. A perfect addition to any jungle gym, swing set, playground equipment, or treehouse. INCLUDES: (1) Swing, (2) Hanging Rings, (2) Hanging Ropes Made out of high quality material that can withstand up to 200 lbs, the Flying Squirrel TM 40" Saucer Tree Swing features a durable steel frame with foam padding for comfort and safety. WARNING: CHECK FREQUENTLY This product has parts that can wear or loosen during use. Tighten all hardware and inspect all components for wear. Recommended but not limited to ages 3-12, this swing is great for anyone to hop on and play. 40" in diameter, the Flying Squirrel TMTree swing is large enough for multiple children to ride. Squirrel Products offer durability and enjoyment for all their products for endless fun. WARNING: ADULT ASSEMBLY REQUIRED WARRANTY -Against manufacturer defects. Not suitable for children under 3.
    Brand: Squirrel Products, Color: Blue

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