Toysmith Day At The Beach

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Brand Toysmith
Model 2806

  • This all-in-one set contains everything a child needs for an imaginary beach vacation.
  • The set includes mini beach chair, umbrella and stand, beach ball, floating ring and sandals.
  • Even if the real beach is miles away, the set includes its own sea shells, white sand and a container to set up a mini-beach anywhere.
  • Recommended for ages 10 years to 14 years.
  • Challenge your children's imaginations and keep them active with Toysmith.
  • Committed to providing the most imaginative toys along with the highest safety standards, Toysmith has toys appropriate for all age groups.
  • Toysmith offers toys for any kind of play: active play, science and discovery, arts and crafts, impulse and novelty toys, and nostalgic retro classics.
  • Contains mini beach chair, umbrella and stand, beach ball, floating ring, sea shells, sandals, white sand, and a container for your mini beach
  • Everything you need to spend a day at the beach, even if you are miles away from the water
  • For children between 10 to 14 years

  • Enjoy fun in the sun with the Toysmith Day at the Beach. This all-in-one set contains everything a child needs for an imaginary beach vacation. The set includes mini beach chair, umbrella and stand, beach ball, floating ring and sandals. Even if the real beach is miles away, the set includes its own sea shells, white sand and a container to set up a mini-beach anywhere. Suitable for outdoor play only. Recommended for ages 10 years to 14 years.

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