Swurfer Kick - Stand Up Outdoor Surfing Tree Swing For Kids Up To 150 Lbs

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  • DURABLE PLASTIC BOARD: The Swurfer Kick Stand Up Tree Swing is the newest addition to the Swurfer family. Unlike the original Swurfer, the Kick is made of durable plastic strong enough to hold someone up to 150 pounds. The Swurfer Kick Tree Swing is 24" x 9".
  • SURF THE AIR: The Swurfer Kick is engineered to provide more power, stability & range of motion as you soar through the air. You control the level of fun. Hold onto the handles and calmly sway side to side, or use your legs to power higher & carve through the air.
  • LETS HANG OUT!: Hang out in your backyard or branch out and take your Swurfer Kick with you on your next hiking, camping, picnic or road trip. Hang from some sweet soar spots. Get on board and surf the air! The Swurfer Kick Stand Up Tree Swing is also great for improving core body strength, balance, and toning leg and arm muscles; It's so much fun, you won't even realize what a workout you're getting!
  • EASY INSTALLATION - Sets up in minutes; Each Swurfer comes with easy-to-follow installation instructions and all necessary components.
  • SPECIFICATIONS: The Swurfer Kick is made of durable curved plastic board with grooves to help give you stability. Board measures 24" x 9" and comes 20 feet of double braided, UV and mildew resistant rope, and set of handles.

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    Brand: Swurfer, Color: Green

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